Placenta Encapsulation and Placenta Remedies
You can choose encapsulated placenta remedies, or add different options into a postnatal recovery package to suit your needs. Find out more as you about placenta capsules, placenta smoothies and the other placenta remedies below.
Placenta Capsules
The simple preparation as a popular method, the placenta is not steamed as an extra step as described below. Instead, the placenta is sliced in raw form and dehydrated at 70C for a short time to destroy surface pathogens and yeasts, then reduced to 55C for the remaining 14-18 hours. Parents who have chosen this remedy say they feel a boost of energy whilst using simple capsules.
Storage: Simple capsules should be stored in a cool dry place.
Options: If you wish to benefit from your raw placenta without having capsules, you can opt to choose a full package of smoothies for your first few days after birth for optimum recovery. Smoothie packs can also be an add on remedy.
The placenta is considered a powerful and sacred medicine, a ‘full of life force’ organ in China and has been documented as a healing medicine for all since 1578. Steaming the placenta prior to dehydration is part of the process for this placenta remedy. We dehydrate your sliced placenta for 10-15 hours, grind and encapsulate into vegetarian capsules. This process is used by placenta specialists with great success as an alternative to simple preparation when requested. This method is reserved for your own personal preference or if there are some specific requirements to, such as meconium at birth. Parents using steamed capsules report a calming effect from this method.
Storage: Steamed capsules should be stored in a cool dry place.
Options: You can choose to have other remedies alongside your steamed capsules such as tincture, essence or homeopathic remedies.

Additional Remedies
Placenta Tincture
Placenta tincture develops by steeping a piece of raw placenta after birth in alcohol, making a strong solution over six-eight weeks.
Dosage: Suggested dosage is 10-40 drops in water two to three times a day during times of need. Placenta tincture is a remedy that may preserve your placenta for a longer time and continue it’s use for the future.
This remedy is suited to ongoing daily use once your pills have been used.
Top Tip: If you are not planning on having any more children after this pregnancy a placenta tincture is an excellent life investment, the perfect way to save the power or your placenta, putting it to greater use in the future.
Placenta Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopathic placenta remedies prepared by an experienced homeopath for both you and your baby using a small piece of your placenta. Research, reviews and experience suggests homeopathic placenta remedies may help with depression, baby blues and/or during times of emotional instability and/or separation. Your baby may also benefit from their placenta remedy treating colic, fussiness, crying, teething, and during times of growth and separation anxiety eg. crawling, walking and weaning. You will receive a Homeopathic Placenta Remedy Guide alongside the remedies upon completion.
You can choose to delay ordering Homeopathic Remedies if you have a capsule to spare and want to add these on at a later date.
Placenta Smoothie (add on option to capsules)
Anecdotal evidence shows benefits to the consumption of a small piece placenta after the birth of your baby. This may play a role in the uterus contracting to slow or stop postnatal bleeding. Consumption may also aid recovery and give you much needed energy after birth. Standard practice brand new hand blender is provided for every booking to remove the risk of cross contamination and for peace of mind. Reviews from parents who drink raw placenta smoothie report a taste of berries and fruit. It is said there is no taste of placenta, so you can fully enjoy your post-birth placenta remedies. Many vegan and vegetarian parents also choose this add on.
Placenta Smoothie Packs
You will receive 10-14 packs (each pack makes 2 small glasses)
Placenta smoothie packs packaged to easily use at home from your freezer. Small placenta smoothie packs are great for people who want conveniently packaged, easy to use smoothies every morning for a week or so. Add the placenta and fruit pack to a jug and blend with water each day in the early days. You can also choose to use the remaining placenta for capsules, tincture, homeopathic remedies or a combination of remedies. This means utilising all of the placenta available with no waste.